be very afraid

There is a certain stigma that I see around Fear, where everyone is constantly reminding each other to "Be Fearless" when trying to conquer. While there is a specific truth to this placation, I think it's important that we remember that our words have power.

After everything we've collectively endured recently, I think we can agree that acting with intent is extremely important. Communication is a big part of action, so using language to communicate with intent is equally as important.

When someone says to "Be Fearless," what they are actually saying is to neglect an emotion [bodily function] and power through. In reality, Fear is a very helpful emotion [bodily function], as it helps us to quickly understand whether a situation is optimal for our immediate well-being or not. Neglecting this emotion [bodily function] is to act irrationally and can potentially cause an individual to overlook things that may actually benefit from some examination.

We did not last this long as a species just doing shit on a whim.

I say: acknowledge your Fear and do "it" anyway. Know exactly what things scare you, and find ways around them so that forward motion becomes inevitable.

We are in an age of revolution. Lots of the ways that we have been navigating our world thus far have been upended and will continue to be upended until more of us start acting [communicating] with intent.

I feel this truth immensely - with every fiber of my being. I see the power of Love that hides behind the grips of Fear that people do not seem to be able to free themselves of. I know that the Love I see has the power to conquer all, so long as it can be harnessed.

So - Be Very Afraid. Be so afraid that your relationship with fear becomes intimate and teach him [Fear] that Love can guide you both.


que lloren


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