Keep Climbing

I think a lot.

Because of this, it's taking me a very long time to figure myself out. Thankfully, I have an innate drive inside of me that forces me to follow my current path in spite of [x]. While I have no idea what is going to come next, what I do know is that I have to continue. And for the person reading this, I want to share some advice: keep climbing.

What I mean by that is, when a goal is in sight, excessive thought can only slow down the process. What is helpful, though, is forward motion of any kind - so long as that motion is in the direction of said goal.

For example, when climbing a mountain, rock wall, another human body - the individual knows [in the case of sex, hopes] they're going to reach a climax eventually. There is no question of how because a mountain, rock wall, human body - happens to be something tangable. The experience of reaching climax may even be something that the individual pursuing the climb has felt before.

In these instances, the individual does not actively think about how the end result - they just keep climbing and [usually] are able to enjoy themselves because of that.

Treat life this way.

It's important to remember that while the end of our physical lives is inevitable, life itself will always continue. In order to keep from spiraling out about what our purpose is, all we have to do is be in the present moment, and remember that this moment will lead to the next.

You are here - I am here - we can get there - Keep Climbing.


be very afraid


Lover and a fighter